
2023 IDI Annual Conference

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    • - CEST

Benedikt Rohrßen speaks on the panel discussion moderated by Martine de Koning (Kennedy van der Laan, Amsterdam) on online distribution restrictions under the new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) with speakers Sara Citterio (Trussardi, Milan) and Alban Curral (Carlara, Paris) - Saturday 10 June 9:50, Workshop 3: Online restrictions.

The general definition of online sales which exempted by the VBER:

Restrictions of online sales and online advertising which do not have the object of preventing the effective use of internet or the use of an entire advertising channel: Recital 15, Preamble Reg. 720/2022.

Only restrictions that prevent the effective use of the internet by buyers and their customers can be categorised as hardcore. The actual application of these criteria to specific restrictions:

  • use of third party platforms;
  • use of AdWords;
  • use of comparison tools.

The panelists will analyse recent case law and discuss how to adapt specific contract clauses (and contractual policies) concerning online sales to the new scenario, by examining actual examples of contractual clauses and policies.

Click here for the entire programme and registration

You can also meet us at the 6th T.R.A.D.E. Conference, organized by AIJA in June in the city of Munich. Click here for more information on this conference.