The year ahead | Part 1

We’re looking ahead to the major legal shifts in 2022 and their implications.


5 观点

5 观点

A lot will change this year. So much, in fact, that in the first two issues of Interface 2022 we’re looking ahead to the major legal shifts in 2022 and their implications. Some of these affect the economy as a whole, both at the German and European level. Others focus on specific sectors of the economy, but quite a few also have a direct impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, whether as citizens, consumers or, more specifically, as young people. The five articles in this issue provide an initial overview and orientation, briefly and to the point. Enjoy reading! In the February issue, we examine compliance issues, explore the legal basis of software updates, discuss the consequences of the ePrivacy Regulation, and provide an update on the Digital Single Market.


Omnibuses and cancellation buttons – 2022: An eventful year for consumer protection in e-commerce

The "Omnibus Directive" moves consumer protection in 2022 and affects consumer rights and price indications, in addition to the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive.


2022: German youth protection law is growing up

The reformed Youth Protection Act imposes comprehensive obligations on telemedia providers. Minors are to be increasingly protected from dangers on the internet.


“First Act” of the European Data Economy – the Data Governance Act

The Data Governance Act (DGA) regulates the availability or sharing of data in the EU and essentially consists of four regulatory subjects.


News Flash: German Civil Code (BGB) Update 2022

New regulations on contracts for digital content and services and the most important changes to General Terms and Conditions (GTC) by the Fair Consumer Contracts Act


Competition law issues of digitalisation in 2022

These topics will be particularly exciting in antitrust law in 2022: ECJ vs. Facebook/Meta, special regulation of large digital groups (DMA) and the vertical BER.




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